F.A.Q.’s Table of Contents
F.A.Q.’s on Library Binding
1. I am new to binding, where do I start?
Review the Library Binding Guide. It takes you through the complete process of preparing periodicals and/or monographs for binding.
2. What is LARS?
LARS is the acronym for Librarians Automated Retrieval System. It is a computer application with a database of your periodical titles. It allows you to retrieve the title and print a binding ticket to accompany the periodical being sent for binding. It can also be used to create monograph and thesis binding tickets. LARS may be used in libraries that process more than 100 titles annually for binding.
3. Why do I need a binding ticket?
A binding ticket provides the bindery with the necessary instructions for binding an item. The bindery needs to know from the customer what material and print colour is required, what information is to be stamped on the spine, and how is the volume to be collated. Without knowing this the library would not have consistency in how a title is bound. The binding ticket is also used at the bindery to store data such as print location on the cover so that the item matches the previously bound volume on the shelf.
4. What are preprinted binding tickets?
As the bindery processes periodicals, the standard information such as title, material colour, print colour and collating pertaining to each title is kept in a database at the bindery. When a customer sends a periodical title for binding, a binding ticket is printed with all of the standard information on it. This binding ticket is sent back to the customer with their order and is to be used the next time that title is sent for binding. The customer only needs to write the variables such as volume and year on the binding ticket and confirm the collating instructions for the next binding.
5. What are binding collation styles?
Collation refers to how the issues of a periodical are assembled along with the periodical components such as table of contents, title pages, index etc. The bindery needs to know how the customer requires their periodical to be collated. The binding ticket is used to relay these instructions to the binder. Wallaceburg Bookbinding has 3 collation styles; “Bound as Tied”, “Standard Procedure” and “Custom Collation”. See Binding Collation Styles for descriptions of the 3 styles.
6. How many issues can be bound in a volume?
It is not so much the quantity of issues but rather the total thickness.
The recommended guideline is 1 ½” thick. If the total issues for the year is 3” thick, then the issues should be bound in 2 volumes. i.e. Jan.-June and July-Dec. If a volume exceeds 2 ½” thick, additional charges apply.
7. What information do you stamp on the spine of a monograph?
The standard information to stamp on the spine is the title followed by the author last name. The title and author are separated by a space or blank line. Call numbers can be stamped on the spine for an additional charge.
8. What happens if you can’t lamabind a paperback?
Sometimes paperbacks are too damaged when received at the bindery to do a lamabind or the cover can’t be separated from the textblock without damage to the cover. When we can’t lamabind, the default is to do a scholary bind and mount the cover.
9. Is there a minimum invoice charge?
Yes, the minimum invoice charge is $20.00
10. Is there a minimum pickup charge?
Yes, the minimum free pickup on our routes is 15 items. Less than 15 items on our routes incurs a $20.00 charge.
11. Can a title be stamped on the front cover?
Yes, a title can be stamped on the front cover for an additional charge. The price depends on quantity and stamping versus die. Please contact the helpdesk for more information specific to your needs.
12. Is there a charge for long titles stamped on the spine?
Yes. The limit is 10 lines of print including title & variables before additional charges apply.
13. How do I request a pickup?
When your order is ready, call the bindery at 1-800-214-2463 to request a pickup or email the helpdesk. If you are not on our pickup routes, the helpdesk will provide you with options.
14. I have a rush item, what do I do?
If the rush item is part of a larger order, pack it separately and let the bindery know when picking up your order. If you are sending it to us via a carrier, send an email to helpdesk to let us know it is coming. There may be additional charges for rush items.
F.A.Q.’s on Thesis Binding Graduate Studies Department
1. What do I need to send along with the thesis for binding?
Review the Thesis Binding Graduate Studies Guide.
F.A.Q.’s on Thesis Binding Personal
1. How long will it take to bind my thesis?
Once the thesis has been received at the bindery, generally it will be processed and shipped within 2 weeks.
2. Do you print the thesis for binding?
Yes we can print your thesis prior to binding. Click here for more information.
3. What is meant by paper grain direction?
Paper posses the property called grain. The grain identifies the direction to which the paper fibers become oriented during the manufacturing process. The direction of the paper grain has a direct affect on the quality of binding. The grain must be parallel to the binding edge for the book to open more easily, lay flat and maintain its quality binding. If the grain is in the opposite direction, the end binding result can be disastrous. The pages will want to stand up when the book is opened also known as “mouse trap binding” since the books tendency is to close. Users will often apply force to open the book and break the spine, thus destroying the binding.
The tooth pick illustration below depicts the affect of binding with the grain or against the grain.
This illustration demonstrates binding against the grain.
The toothpicks break on the binding edge because they don’t want to lie that way.
They want to stand up.
This illustration demonstrated binding parallel or with the grain.
The toothpicks roll at the binding edge and do not break.
They are able to lie flat as the pages will in a book when bound with the grain.
F.A.Q.’s on Personal Binding
1. Do you fix old bibles?
Yes. Bibles may be restored or bound in a new cover.
Restoration of old bibles is available on a per job quotation basis. Usually the bible needs to be sent to the bindery for evaluation.
Current bibles can be rebound in hard cover buckram, soft cover buckram or leather.
2. Do you bind pew bibles and hymnbooks?
3. Do you repair recipe books or other books?
Yes. If you have a favourite recipe book, any other favourite book or a book of sentimental value that is falling apart, in most cases the bindery can rebind or repair the book.
4. Where do I send my book for repair or rebind?
For USA ship to:
Wallaceburg Bookbinding & Mfg. Co. Ltd.
420 South Water St.
Marine City, MI
For Canada ship to:
Wallaceburg Bookbinding & Mfg. Co. Ltd.
95 Arnold St.
Wallaceburg, ON
N8A 3P3
5. How long will it take to repair/rebind my book?
From Sept. through June, orders are usually processed and shipped out within 2 weeks of them being received at the bindery. During the months of July & August, it could take 4-6 weeks. Restoration orders require 4-6 weeks all year round.
F.A.Q.’S on Textbook Binding Schools
1. I am new to preparing textbook binding orders, what do I do?
Review the Textbook Binding for Schools guide. This guide is a step by step approach to preparing your textbook order for binding.
2. Will the textbooks be done before classes start?
Yes! Wallaceburg Bookbinding is known for getting the textbooks done and returned to the school on time before the new school season begins.
3. How do I arrange for pickup of the textbooks?
Call 1-800-214-2463 or email helpdesk.
If on our delivery route and more than 15 items, there is no charge for pickup & delivery.
If you are not located on our delivery route, you will be given shipping instructions when you contact the bindery.
F.A.Q.’S On Textbook Binding Home Educators
1. How long will it take to repair/rebind my book?
From Sept. through June, orders are usually processed and shipped out within 2 weeks of them being received at the bindery. During the months of July & August, it could take 4-6 weeks. Restoration orders require 4-6 weeks all year round.
2. Where do I ship my books for binding?
For USA ship to:
Wallaceburg Bookbinding & Mfg. Co. Ltd.
420 South Water St.
Marine City, MI
For Canada ship to:
Wallaceburg Bookbinding & Mfg. Co. Ltd.
95 Arnold St.
Wallaceburg, ON
N8A 3P3