Binding Collation Styles

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The following three collation styles available:

  • Bound as Tied – ‘ASIS’
  • Standard Procedure – ‘SP’
  • Custom Collation – ‘CUST’

All three collation styles include a general check for condition of material. Volumes that are thought to be unsatisfactory to bind will be returned to the library.

Binding tickets are required with each volume indicating the title information and colour, etc.. The collation style must be checked off on the ticket (i.e. Bound as Tied, Standard Procedure or Custom Collation). When indicating custom collation, the appropriate collation option boxes must be completed.

Volumes sent in a shipment can be marked for any of the three collation styles, and the invoice will be categorized and priced accordingly.

Bound as Tied

This collation style has no collation. This price category is the most economical to bind because of reduced bindery preparation time. Collation may be completed by the library prior to sending to the bindery.

Bound as Tied is as follows:

  • Volumes are processed and bound as tied.
  • Volumes missing issues will be bound as tied.

Standard Procedure

This collation style is designed to give good value for most collation options. The Standard Procedure has fixed collation options.

The Standard Procedure is as follows where applicable:

  • Main contents to the front. Individual contents are left in place if there is no main contents.
  • Title page to the front. If there is no title page, an individual issue title page will be brought to the front.
  • Main index to the back of volume. Individual indexes are left in place if there is no main index.
  • Covers and bulk ad removal (i.e. grouped ads in front, middle and back of issues). If covers contain contents or text, they are left in place.
  • Supplementals as paged or at back behind index with a coloured sheet between index and supplement.
  • Completeness and order of issues check.

Custom Collation

The most time consuming option of organizing individual content, index pages and page by page ad removal , are ONLY available with Custom Collation. This collation style requires that the collation options boxes are filled in. The bindery will follow the instructions as indicated.

The Custom Collation options are as follows:

  • Placement of index, content pages and title page.
  • Movement of individual contents pages and individual index pages.
  • Remove advertising, covers or specified pages (such as roman numeral pages).
  • Placement of supplemental issues.
  • Completeness and order of issues check.
  • Options:
    - (I)n place
    - (O)ut
    - (F)ront
    - (B)ack
    - (N)ot present